hp-6426 incest sister (nick eastwood) 1980 Read online


  Western man prides himself in his ability to forge his own destiny. And yet many people find they are not always able to rule their own fates. Often, a single, traumatic event will change and reshape their lives.

  There is the young girl who, after a brutal rape, becomes a bitter, frigid woman. Or the bright, self-confident businessman who, after losing most of his money on a stock investment, becomes a drunken derelict.

  So too does fate play a tragic trick on Lisa, a beautiful young woman whose sad story unfolds in this book. A woman whose sexual drives cause her to become the unwitting victim of her twin brother. Her life becomes a long string of broken promises and shattered dreams.

  INCEST SISTER -- a work of fiction, yes, but also the story of one woman's pathetic struggle to find peace and happiness.

  The Publisher


  Lisa Stevens hurried from her house, and her boyfriend Bob, waiting in his car, feasted his eyes on her as she came toward him. At twenty-one Lisa was tall, leggy and slim, with a perfect tan and long straight blonde hair bleached almost white by the sun. Bob admired her high-riding, bouncing tits and the sleek curve of her hips. He didn't think he'd ever seen a more beautiful girl.

  She slipped into the car beside him, and he caught the flowery scent of her perfume. "Hi, gorgeous," he said. "You look awfully excited about something. What's up?"

  "Oh, Bob!" Lisa cried. "I can hardly believe it, it's so wonderful. I've found my brother."

  "Hey, honey, that's fantastic," Bob said.

  As a matter of fact, he'd almost forgotten Lisa's background. She and her twin brother had been adopted as babies, but by different families, and as soon as she was old enough, Lisa had started trying to track down her long-lost twin. Her adoptive parents were no help. They didn't know the name of the other couple. So Lisa had to do all the detective work by herself.

  "He's living in California," Lisa bubbled on. "His name is Lance. I'm flying out there tomorrow to meet him."

  Bob's face fell. "Flying out?" he said. "How long are you going to be gone?"

  "Oh, I don't know, maybe a month," Lisa said. "Lance and I will have a lot of getting acquainted to do, you know."

  Bob frowned and started the car. He knew he shouldn't be selfish about a thing like this, but he didn't want to be apart from Lisa that long. He was definitely hooked on the girl. He couldn't even think about her without getting horny. In fact he'd hoped to do something about that tonight. He and Lisa had been dating for a year, and he felt it was time they did something besides kiss and hold hands.

  After dinner and a movie, Bob parked in a secluded spot by a lake and drew Lisa into his arms. She came willingly enough, letting him kiss her and wriggle his tongue suggestively in her mouth, but of course she didn't expect they were going to go any farther than this. Lisa firmly believed in remaining a virgin till she was married.

  Still she couldn't help but feel hot excitement as Bob tongue-kissed her lingeringly and ran his hands over her body. Bob, an attractive and successful businessman of twenty-eight, had turned her on from the moment she met him. Sighing, she melted in his arms and returned his kiss, snaking her hot little tongue over his. She felt her pussy starting to swell and moisten and grow hot.

  Abruptly Bob broke the kiss and said, "Lisa, I think we ought to get married."

  "Oh, Bob, so do I," Lisa said. "Everything good seems to be happening today."

  "I mean right away," he said.

  "But I can't," Lisa said. "I'm going to see my brother."

  "Then as soon as you get back?" Bob pleaded.

  "I'll think about it," Lisa promised.

  Something in Bob's voice bothered her, it was so hoarse and urgent. He started kissing her again, roughly and hungrily this time, and Lisa felt his hands closing over her pert orange-sized tits, cupping and squeezing. Even through her blouse and bra she could feel the searing heat of his palms. She gave a muffled squeak of protest and jerked her mouth away from his.

  "Hey, hold it, tiger," she said, trying to laugh it off. "What's happening?"

  "What do you think?" Bob said hoarsely. "Jesus, Lisa, we've been dating almost a year, and all I've ever gotten out of you is a kiss. I'm a normal healthy guy, for chrissake. Feel this."

  He seized Lisa's hand and set it palm-down on the fly of his pants. Lisa felt a huge hard bulge, and she blushed hotly and whipped her hand away. "Bob, stop," she gasped.

  "No," he growled. "Not this time. I've waited long enough, Lisa."

  He shoved his hands up under her blouse and fondled her firm round tits through the sheer lace of her bra. Lisa was too surprised for a moment to move or speak. This just wasn't like Bob at all. He was usually so polite and gentle. But that big bulge in his fly! He'd have to be ragingly horny to behave like this. Lisa was afraid.

  "Please, Bob, you'd better take me home," she said. "I don't think you can control yourself."

  "You're damned right I can't," he said, "and I don't want to. Come on, Lisa, at least let me see your tits. I've waited a whole damn year."

  Lisa thought quickly. Bob wasn't thinking straight right now, but perhaps she could appease him by giving in to some of his demands, and then he'd take her home.

  "Well, all right, Bob," she said, "but you have to promise just to look."

  He didn't reply. He was already unbuttoning her blouse. Lisa slumped back against the seat and felt her heart hammering. No man had seen her tits before. In fact she'd never gone farther than a kiss on any of her dates. She'd been raised to believe that nice girls don't do anything like that before marriage. Yet she felt a strange and upsetting excitement as Bob removed her blouse and reached around her to unhook her bra.

  He got her bra off, and in the bright moonlight he could clearly see her adorable perfectly round tits with their small pink nipples. He stared at her tits, his face very close, and Lisa could feel his hot breath fanning the delicate flesh. That added to her odd excitement. To her surprise, her nipples suddenly went stiff and pointed.

  "Jesus, you're gorgeous," Bob breathed. He cupped her naked tits and began to squeeze the firm mounds.

  "Bob, you said you were just going to look," Lisa protested.

  "A little touching won't hurt," he panted.

  Lisa knew she wasn't going to talk him out of playing with her tits, and she wondered if she even wanted to. It felt so nice, his firm hot hands pressing and releasing the sensitive flesh. Her pussy continued to swell, heat and moisten. She knew how it felt to be horny -- she'd been that way with Bob before. But she'd never felt it so strongly as now.

  She found herself wondering how it felt to fuck. Lisa knew all about sex in a technical sense, yet she felt she knew nothing of the real thing. She'd never even seen a real live cock. She wondered about that big hard lump in Bob's pants -- how it would look, how it would feel to take it into her virgin cunt. Her wicked thoughts just added to her growing arousal.

  Bob pressed his mouth to her ripe little tits and began to lick her nipples, darting from one to the other with his big wet tongue. The hot juice meat felt delicious on her tender nipples, and Lisa gave a little shiver of excitement. She felt a steaming rush of juice from her cunt, moistening the crotch of her panties. She'd have to watch it. She was getting horny as hell.

  "Bob," she gasped, "that's enough."

  Bob's response was to capture her left nipple between his lips and suck the stiff bud into his mouth. Lisa stifled a squeal of excitement. Bob's mouth was hot as a blast furnace and deliciously juicy around her sensitive nipple. As he sucked it, the erect bud began to throb violently, and Lisa felt hot streaks of pleasure racing right down to her crea
ming cunt.

  "Ohhhhh, my God, Bob, that's enough," she moaned.

  Bob caught the husky excitement in her voice and only sucked faster and harder on her pulsating nipple. He knew he was getting to her. His swollen cock gave a horny lurch in his pants and began to leak hot juice. For months he'd been fantasizing about getting into Lisa's tiny virgin pussy. Maybe tonight would be the night. He made an obscene slurping noise as he hungrily mouthed her tit.

  Lisa couldn't help creaming right through the crotch of her panties. She'd never been so hotly aroused in her life. Bob's ravenously sucking lips felt delicious around her swollen stiff nipple, and she fought back the urge to gurgle with pleasure. She mustn't let him see that she was getting turned on. That would just spur him to go for more.

  But unknown to Lisa, Bob had already guessed that she was getting highly aroused. He'd been around, and he was familiar with those shivers of pleasure, that quick breathing, and the growing warmth of her flesh. He left her spit-soaked left nipple and sucked in the right one, tugging and stretching the throbbing bud with his firm lips. He felt Lisa give a lurch of excitement.

  "Uhhhh, Bob, please," she whimpered.

  He knew what she wanted. She wanted him to stop before she lost all self-control. Well, he was damned if he'd do that. He'd had blue balls for this chick long enough. A year was more than enough time to wait for her cherry. He intended to fuck her if it took him all night to win her cooperation. He loved Lisa. He wouldn't force her, but he was going to do everything he could to get her excited out of her mind.

  As he sucked noisily on her tit, Lisa felt his hand creeping up tinder her skin. "Oh, no, Bob," she gasped. "That's going too far. Stop it right now."

  Bob's patience was wearing thin. "Why?" he snapped. "Are you afraid you might feel something? Don't worry, baby, you've held out this long, so you've gotta be frigid."

  His angry speech stopped her cold. "Bob, that's not true!" she cried.

  "Then prove it," he growled.

  His hand shot up her leg, and before she could stop him he was touching the juice-soaked crotch of her panties. Lisa reddened. He had to guess now how hot she was for him. His fingers pressed the moist cloth, stimulating the swollen flesh beneath, and she felt sharp stings of pleasure melting her horny virgin pussy.

  Bob felt the steamy pussy juice that had drenched her panty crotch, but he said nothing about it. That would only embarrass Lisa, and it was enough for him to know that she was creaming with lusty excitement. He caressed her pussy through her panties and felt the searing heat and puffed flesh. No way in the world was this girl frigid. He'd only said that to good her into going farther.

  He slipped a finger inside the crotch of her panties and touched the scalding, swollen flesh of her cunt. Lisa gasped and shivered. She didn't know what to do. If she protested now, she'd probably lose Bob. She didn't even know if she wanted him to stop. His finger sensuously massaged her naked pussy, and she felt intense pleasure. Helplessly, she drenched his finger with a big hot rush of cunt juice.

  "You like that," Bob said hoarsely. "You know you do."

  "All right," Lisa moaned. "I like it. I'm only human. But I don't believe in going all the way before marriage, Bob, you know that."

  "Who said anything about going all the way?" he replied soothingly. "Just let me play with your pussy, honey. There's no harm in that."

  Lisa relaxed. As long as there was no threat to her virginity, it would be fun to continue this exciting game. Bob seized the waistband of her panties and started to tug the little garment down, and she didn't try to stop him. She even lifted her pert little ass to make it easier for him. Her pussy was fiery hot and seething with need.

  "Good girl," Bob breathed. "You're gonna love this, honey, I promise."

  He drew off her panties and dropped them on the floor of the car, then pushed her skirt up out of the way. She had the sweetest little pussy he'd ever seen, a small neat triangle of light blonde curls. He petted the soft warm fur, and Lisa quivered with excitement. Then he parted the golden-furred lips of her cunt and isolated the small pink lump of her clit.

  Lisa watched in lusty fascination as Bob exposed her juicy wet clit and pressed a fingertip to the pink lump. Then he began to massage her clit, and she almost flew right off the seat, the pleasure was so sudden and intense.

  "Ahhhh!" she gasped.

  "I told you you'd love it," Bob said.

  "Ohhhhh, Bob, honey, that feels so good," Lisa moaned.

  In fact she'd never felt anything so great in her life as Bob's finger massaging and teasing her horny little clit. Under his swirling finger the little bud got its own tiny hard-on going erect and hot and throbbing. Blasts of pleasure ripped through her pussy, and she helplessly creamed onto the seat of the car.

  "Unnnhhhhh, yessss," Lisa whined. "Keep doing it to me, Bob, I love it."

  Bob was just about ready to come in his pants. After a whole year of lusting after this lovely slim blonde, it was blowing his mind to see her naked and aroused. His eyes darted hungrily from her luscious stiff-nippled tits down to her lovely little cunt. She had her thighs slightly parted, and he had a tantalizing glimpse of her juicy pink pussy-flesh and its fringe of blonde curls.

  He seized her erect pulsating clit between his thumb and forefinger and started to knead it faster. Lisa screeched with pleasure, and he felt his fingers drenched with a steaming blast of pussy cream. As he rolled her swollen clit between his fingers, she slumped back against the seat and gurgled in ecstasy, her big blue eyes rolling crazily.

  "Ahhhhhh, my God; honey, that's wonderful," Lisa whined. "Ooooooo, yes, baby, frig me good."

  She didn't bother to watch her language or control her lusty movements. She was far too excited for that. With his free hand, Bob eased her thighs open a little more so he could get a good look at her pussy. The glistening pink flesh was swollen up taut and dripping with her helplessly oozing cunt juices. He kneaded her clit faster, harder, and watched the thick hot syrup gush from her pussy.

  "Unnngghhhhh, Bob, it's so damned good!" Lisa panted. "Don't stop!"

  His roughly kneading fingers were sending hot blasts of pleasure through her whole steaming pussy, pleasure that mounted till she could hardly stand it. She realized she was going to come. Lisa had a guilty little secret -- she loved to masturbate, so she was very familiar with the signs of orgasm. She felt the sweet tension growing in her cunt, then the wonderful explosion of sensation.

  "Unnnhhhh, Bob, I'm coming!" she wailed. "Ahhhhhhhh, baby, aaahhhhh!"

  Bob felt his fingers flooded with her molten cunt juice. Lisa wailed and racked her head from side to side, her eyes screwed shut in ecstasy, her lovely little tits wobbling like jello. Her hips jerked in a helpless fucking motion. No, this girl was definitely not frigid. Bob kneaded her squirting clit and licked his lips as he watched her come.

  "Uhhhhhhhh, so good!" she moaned.

  He just wished she was coming around his cock and not from his fingers. He fought the urge to push her down on the seat and cram his painfully bloated cock into her seething little pussyhole. As badly as he wanted to fuck her, he wasn't going to use force, not on the girl he loved. When he and Lisa finally fucked, it would have to be by mutual agreement.

  "Mmmmmm, Bob, that was beautiful," she sighed.

  "More?" he asked hoarsely.

  "Oh, Jesus, yes!" Lisa cried.

  Maybe she was being greedy, but she felt she could never get enough of Bob's delicious frigging. She slumped back and allowed him to ease her legs open even wider, completely exposing her swollen pink slit to the moonlight. Bob caressed her steaming cunt, running his fingers from her juice-soaked clit right down to the little puckered mouth of her shitter, and Lisa gurgled with lusty excitement.

  "Mmmmmm, yessss," she moaned. "Touch me all over."

  Bob explored her pussy, massaging the puffed hot flesh and snaking his fingers over every steamy inch of her cunt. Then he zeroed in on the shadowy recessed mouth of her virgin cunt, popping the tip o
f his middle finger into the hot juicy pit. Lisa squealed with excitement, and she felt the muscular ring of her cunt gripping and tugging at his finger. He eased his finger about an inch into her untried fuckhole and felt a scalding rush of pussy juice.

  "Uhhhhh, yesssss," Lisa whined.

  Bob shivered lustily as he felt the incredible tightness of her cunt. It was so snug, it even resisted his finger. He stuffed his stiff finger into her slowly and cautiously, and he felt her strong young cunt muscles sucking greedily at his finger and crenching it with molten cream. He managed to slide his finger to the second knuckle in her seething pussy before he hit a thick fleshy barrier.

  "More," Lisa panted. "I want more. Put your finger all the way into my cunt, baby."

  "I can't, honey," Bob said. "I'll break your cherry."

  Lisa was almost tempted to tell him to go ahead and bust the damned thing. It felt fantastically good to have something hard and stiff in her cunt, but she wanted to be completely filled. She whined with need and pound her gripping cunt around his rigid finger, soaking it with her oozing pussy juice.

  "Ahhhhhh, Bob, damnit, frig me," she panted. "I just have to come."

  Bob started finger-fucking her, jerking his stiff thick finger roughly up and down in her tiny wet pussyhole. Each thrust brought his fingertip up against the stubborn wall of her cherry, but he was careful not to stab through it. If he did that, he wanted to do it with his cock. Lisa gurgled with pleasure as she took the quick rough thrusts.

  "Unnnhhhhh, yeah, that's it," she moaned. "You're doing it to me, Bob! I'm coming!"

  As her body convulsed in another violent orgasm, Bob couldn't wait any longer. Lisa would never be more aroused than she was now. Quickly he tugged down his pants and shorts, pushed her onto her back, and mounted her, sinking down between her thighs. His rigid swollen cock touched the searing wet flesh of her pussy. But then she was shouting and pushing him off.

  "Bob, no!" she cried. "I won't fuck you before we're married."

  Bob's patience gave out completely. Before Lisa could stop him he straddled her chest, his knees pinning her arms, his hugely swollen cock wagging an inch from her face. "Okay, bitch," he snarled, "If you won't fuck it, eat it!"